Grief, according to Wikipedia, is “a multi-faceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also
When God was creating the earth and He decided He wanted to create a beautiful paradise, certainly the Dominican Republic was on His mind.
With its tropical climate, lush foliage, and numerous sandy beaches, that rank as some
Lo veo todo el tiempo. Los encuentro en todas partes. . . en todos los idiomas. . En cada cultura. . En todos los países.
Mucha gente de Dios no solo está tratando, sino luchando, por vivir una vida semejante
I see it all the time. . .meet them everywhere . . . in every language . . . in every culture . . . in every country. So many of God’s people are not only trying, but
I love music.
It’s in me. It’s part of my life every day. Our children even inherited a love for music. It’s not really that surprising since their Dad was a drummer in a band and played guitar when he was
Devocional 33 Efesios 5:15-16 Amp – Por lo tanto, asegúrese de caminar con cuidado, viviendo la vida con honor, propósito, valor. . . No como el imprudente, sino como el...... Read More
Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Determination is a key factor in any successful endeavor. Apostle Paul...... Read More
Devocional 32 Filipenses 3:14 – Presiono hacia la marca para el premio del alto llamamiento de Dios en Cristo Jesús. La determinación es un factor clave en cualquier esfuerzo exitoso....... Read More
Luke19:13 – And He called His ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come. It has been some weeks now since someone you love...... Read More
Devocional 31 Lucas 19:13 – Entonces llamó a sus diez siervos y los entregó a diez libras, y les dijo: ocupense hasta que yo venga. Han pasado algunas semanas desde...... Read More
1 Peter 3:15 – But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope...... Read More
Devocional 30 1 Pedro 3:15 – Pero santifiquen al Señor Dios en sus corazones: y prepárate siempre para dar una respuesta a cada hombre que te pregunte una razón de...... Read More