I Kings 19:18 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Ba’al . . .

Elijah was afraid.  Ahab and his armies were after him.  Elijah was on the run.  His fear was so great it controlled him.  He ran for about a day and sat down under a juniper tree and requested that he might die; and said, “It is enough, now O Lord, take away my life . . . “(I Kings 1-4)

Fear of the future can absolutely freeze us in our tracks in the present.  Elijah had lost touch with his direction from God.  He was concerned Ahab was going to kill him.  Elijah had performed the tasks God had assigned to him.  Now, he was hiding in a cave and asking God to kill him before Ahab did.

God spoke to Elijah kind of like, “What are you doing in there?”  Elijah said, “I did what you told me to do.  So now Ahab hunts for me to kill me.  Please God, go ahead and kill me so Ahab can’t.”  Fear is a destroyer of our life.  It often creates a pity party.  Often, we cannot control the situation we’re in through no fault of our own.  Elijah spent time feeling sorry for himself instead of looking for direction from God on what to do next.  Elijah said, I am all alone.  God said, no you’re not.  I’ve got seven thousand more around here who have not forsaken me.

Sometimes, our situation can make us feel isolated.  It seems like we’re all alone.  No one else cares.  This is just not true.  Don’t fall for those negative emotions and thoughts.

Reach out for your family and friends.  Check out support groups on the internet.  If you don’t have a church, visit one.

You are strong and you can overcome these feelings.  You are victorious through Christ.

Receive it today.

*Please begin with “Devotion 1”.  They are progressive.

Author Profile

Lee Gilliam
Lee Gilliam
Lee is the co-founding designer of Overcoming Grief and author of 2 books and numerous articles. He has been in the ministry for over 40 years. He has traveled to over 80 countries and every state in the USA. His ministerial work involves both teaching and business. He is a mentor to pastors and business leaders alike. He is currently working on his upcoming international conference schedule and we will post it when it's ready. We hope you can attend one that will be close to you!! Please contact me at: leeg@overcominggrief.org