II Timothy 4: 6-8  For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:  Henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:  and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing. (death)

Life is to death what seed is to harvest.

The corn seed grows into a mighty stalk and when it is mature it is harvested, and new seeds take their place.  Death is a part of life.  Our life also goes through cycles.  We’re young and grow until the time of our departure comes.  But no matter what age one’s departure comes; the world has been a better place with you in it.

My father passed away when I was a young teenage boy.  It was a devastating thing for me.  It placed in me a certainty that death was part of life.  He was only 44.  Shot once and then stepped on a mine once in World War II.  He survived the war but not the heart attack.  One night chest pains sent him to the hospital.  My Mom returned a few hours later and told us he was gone.

It impressed upon me that death was truly a part of life.  So, I encourage you, in the midst of all of your chaos right now, celebrate the life of your loved one for they have fulfilled their cycle of life.  They did well.  They enriched your life and enriched the lives of others.  Be thankful for the time you had them.  Celebrate their life for the joy and love they brought to you.


*Please begin with “Devotion 1”.  They are progressive.


Author Profile

Lee Gilliam
Lee Gilliam
Lee is the co-founding designer of Overcoming Grief and author of 2 books and numerous articles. He has been in the ministry for over 40 years. He has traveled to over 80 countries and every state in the USA. His ministerial work involves both teaching and business. He is a mentor to pastors and business leaders alike. He is currently working on his upcoming international conference schedule and we will post it when it's ready. We hope you can attend one that will be close to you!! Please contact me at: leeg@overcominggrief.org