By Pastor Frank Gresham

When we are going through a fire we forget that another is in the fire with us!  When we find ourselves stuck between a tough place and the water, the ground parts between you and the water, and you walk through on dry ground! When you are being ate up by the cares of this world and feel like you are being ate up by the lions in their den, all of a sudden the lions become little kitty cats and become your friends eating out of your hands!
You wonder why I would start with these “in your face statements” well it is because the church needs a wakeup call.  We don’t need a wakeup call to go to a worship meeting or a pray meeting but to daily live and lifestyle of victory, now that is what we need, to many of us live battle to battle instead of victory to victories! God has won this deal!
Our Job is to live according to His new way of life we have been transformed into. According to Romans 12 : 2  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Victory has come to our churches through Revival meetings and the Joy of the Lord. The Lord has shown us His Healing Powers through men and women given the gift of Healing.  We have discovered the old wells of 5 fold Ministry.  So where does that put us today? In a better place than we should be!
On a daily plan I make sure that Joy is a part of my life. Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said to them, “Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” This guarantees a few things, I will live in the place of plenty and if not it is coming second The Joy of the Lord is my strength. That means if God is not HAPPY we have no strength, I and profoundly believe in a God of joy and plenty! If He is not completely good and full then we have no hope, no hope of salvation.  He is our guarantee of our salvation by the blood upon the cross. His promises are true and amen.  We simply have to look back and see his truths written in the sky His rainbow of promise.
Another area I look and every morning I wake up and walk in my transformation is the knowledge I have acquired through being in the word, being in church, being in special meetings, my own personal studies.  Many people believe they get enough in church and in special to be transformed; I am a bit hungrier than that. A preacher might mention a name of a famous old preach and I will go do a study of that man’s preaching and life. Or hear of a miracle worker in the church and read some of his books.  Now I always balance all against the word of God, just as I do with my local Pastor. Matter of fact I have found more in my personal journeys than corporate meeting over 35 years of this walking with Jesus.  But it took a pastor to encourage me to seek The More of the Lord! 1 Timothy 1:14 and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. This shows the more abundant of the Lord.
As we grow in what we know we live a more victorious life DAILY!  It is not because the newest thing is coming to town, or the newest revelation. Or I am getting my newest word from the Lord.  But I am walking in what I know. Now for the new in the Lord this is God’s Grace. What in what you know but stay hungry, as you walk in your new beginning, where you need help He will show His Grace. As WE walk in this newness of Life we begin to live a life of grace. The new creation life only begins when we as Christians walk in Grace, healing the sick, raising the dead, seeing prophetic words come true, when we are living the word of God not just using it against others for our benefit. Showing Grace to others, living with love. If it is not by Love we are doing nothing.

Pastor Frank Gresham / a Pastor / missionary / street servant / Healer/ and Evangelist with a 5 fold ministry calling. Called into ministry in 1989 in Texas, USA.   He has traveled to over 38 states and 26 countries / including many in central and South America, bringing help in disaster relief. Presently battles a rare form of cancer, Multiple Myeloma, but He lives and enjoys in His victory.