Do you have a prayer need?  If so please leave your initials, the country you live in, and your prayer request in the comments below  (For your security we ask that you only leave your initials).  Members from our International Prayer Team check in daily and will be praying for you.  Do you have an answered prayer you would like to share with others?  Please choose the “Your Voice” tab and leave a comment under the “Your Voice” post.  **If you haven’t registered to Overcoming Grief, please chose the “Subscribe” button at the bottom of this page and them come back and leave your request**


¿Tienes un peticion de oracion? En YOUR VOICE (TU VOZ) deja las iniciales de tu nombre, el pais de donde eres
(Por tu seguiridad solo pedimos tus iniciales)
El equipo internacional de oracion verifican a diario para porder orar por ti. Dios te ha respondido una oracion y quieres compartirla ?
En la parte de abajo de la pagina en la parte azul.
Luego regresa y deja un comentario.