Strategy 1 – No Risk
Strategy 2 – Little Risk
Strategy 3 – Some Risk
These strategies are intended to provide you with a continual resource of research on how to make money with silver.
The US government over the course of many years has minted silver coins.
You are looking for coins that date from the late 1700’s up to 1964. There are two coins that date from 1965-1969, the Kennedy half dollar and the Eisenhower dollar which have 40% silver – but more about that later.
These coins are worth far more than their face value. At the time of this writing the spot price of silver is $18.85. Spot price means the value of 1 troy ounce of silver at any moment in time. It changes a few cents every few minutes. Silver is known as a Commodity. It is sold all over the world in various forms. One troy ounce coins; silver bars of various weights; jewelry; silverware; trays; coffee and tea pots; ashtrays and many more items.
Strategy 1 will show you how to make money with what the market calls “junk” silver. This means the silver coins that are in the everyday money supply. Thousands of silver coins pass thru the hands of Americans every day. They never check them or look beyond the curiosity of them. They spend them for coffee, fast food, fuel, cigarettes, etc. every day at convenience stores. They don’t know how much money they are giving away.
Some while back a friend of mine was recalling a young man heading to college. He needed $2000 to pay for his first semester. He was praying and asking God to supply his need. He was spending time with his grandmother in her latter years. He read to her and they often would get out her silver dollar collection with all the old dates on them. She had 2,000 of them. She would look at an older date and then tell her grandson what she was doing in her life in that year. Shortly thereafter, she passed away to enjoy her heavenly home.
The grandson was surprised to find out that she left her 2000-piece silver dollar collection to him in her will. The family gave him the coins that were worth $1 each, or $2,000. He quickly thanked God for supplying his need. He took them to the bank; deposited them; and paid his first semester tuition.
Three doors down the street from the bank was a Gold, Silver, Coin Shop. If he just would have walked 3 more blocks, as of the silver spot price today, they would have paid him more than $27,000 for the same coins, less his selling expenses. God supplied him with enough money to pay for all his tuition but his didn’t receive. No doubt he began asking God to supply his need for next semester when God had already supplied all his need.
Do you know why he missed the full blessing of God and missed out and why soon will be under immense financial pressure again? . . . I can tell you.
“He didn’t know . . . What he didn’t know!
So, he made an unwise decision.
DIMES – Liberty and Roosevelt. Ten dimes obviously equal one dollar. If you take ten dimes to the store or bank you either can receive one dollar in merchandise or one dollar in a bank deposit. But the silver value in that one dime or 10 cents is about $1.34 today.
10 dimes, or every dollar in dimes = about .714 troy ounces of pure silver. That makes one dime
.10(cents) x .714(.999 silver content) x (times) 18.85 (current spot price of silver) = 1.34 for each dime
So, that’s right then, $1 face value (10 dimes) in these coins is worth about $13.40. That’s 13.4 times your money. In other words, 10 dimes from 1964 or earlier, are worth $1 if you use them at the store, but they are worth roughly $13.40 in silver that you can sell. This is “free money”.
QUARTERS – Four Quarters = One Dollar = $13.40 in current spot silver value ($18.85)
HALF-DOLLARS – Two Half Dollars = one dollar = $13.40 in same value
SILVER DOLLAR – One Silver Dollar = one dollar = silver dollars have a little more silver in them or .722 in same value
90% silver coins (junk silver) = $1 face value = .714 ounces pure silver
.714 x 18.85 (current spot) =
1.34 per dime
3.37 per quarter
6.72 per half dollar
13.60 per silver dollar
= $13.45 per face value dollar of 90% silver coins
Since one dollar’s worth of silver change equals about .714 troy ounce of pure silver you can use all one coin or a combination of any coins. The silver value is about the same for our general purposes. Just keep in mind a silver dollar is calculated at .722 not .714.
Remember, spot varies all the time… Don’t worry; I’ve included a chart that does all the math for you.
Don’t spend any money to start . . . have some fun treasure hunting!
So many people have put up change to keep over the years. Maybe you’re one of them. Some have it lying around, others have it in drawers, cans, jars, shoes, etc., you name it . . . It’s in a lot of places. They forget about it . . . store it up for kids and grandkids . . . hoping one day it will be worth something . . . not knowing that the day of it being worth something has come!
Look under your couch cushions
Look in your dresser drawers
Look in the night stand
Look in the pockets of all your clothes
Check your kid’s piggy bank
Go thru the pockets of all your old clothes in your closet
Look under your car seats
Check the change in your pockets and loose change you have lying around
Check the bottom of your purse
Look around the yards of older houses; use a metal detector if you have access to one
Look around barns
If you have parents or grandparents that have a farm, ranch or country place, look there. Look everywhere. Change falls out of people’s pockets all the time when they are working
If you have a desk . . . pull everything out and check the bottoms of the drawers
Begin to make it a practice to check your change every time you get change back from fast food restaurants; coffee shops; convenience stores; thrift stores; grocery stores; pawn shops . . . everywhere and every time you get change . . .
Check with your parents . . . grandparents and your great-grandparents; uncles, aunts; their friends. Many seniors have the “save mindset” which is one of the best ways to protect your livelihood. Save . . . besides Savings Bonds, CD’s etc., they saved their change for years. In some cases, many years. They have it stored in jars under their bed . . . In canning jars in their kitchen cupboards . . . In plastic containers in their closets. I’ve even heard of some putting them in coffee cans and burying them in the back yard!
Do not take advantage of anyone . . . family, friends or strangers . . . It’s their money. They worked for it . . . they earned it!
However, many of them will not know that the silver content is worth more than the face value of their coins. Don’t let them spend or deposit silver coins until you share your knowledge with them and help them check their coins for silver content.
Most will appreciate you sharing this with them. Make a deal with them. It’s their money but it’s your knowledge and work. Talk to them and come to an agreement. Maybe you share the profits 50/50. . . OR, they take 70% and give you 30%. . . If there are a lot of coins, it’s always best to at least write a hand-written agreement showing how you will divide the money and both of you sign it. Family misunderstandings can be emotionally painful. You should be able to avoid them by having a clear understanding in writing.
- ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I hear you screaming. . . you left no cushion unturned . . . no drawer not emptied . . . no pocket unchecked . . . no piggy bank unbroken and walked thru more dried cow poo than you want to admit. I hope you found some great coins and are about to make some money.
Now it’s time to learn my system for making money on a month in and month out basis with Strategy 1, “The Treasure Hunt”, at no financial risk to you because it’s guaranteed by the US Federal Government.
The coins you find will never be worth less than face value.
1 dime will always be worth 10 cents
1 quarter will always be worth 25 cents
1 half-dollar will always be worth 50 cents
1 silver dollar will always be worth one dollar
At any store or bank the federal government guarantees it even if it has no silver in it.
Most merchants receive change into their businesses daily. They have someone count it . . . throw it in a deposit bag and take it to the bank to deposit . . . Many never count or even look at it. They just let the banks coin machine count it for them. The bank gives them a deposit slip showing that their change has been credited to their account. The bank then sends it off to be re-circulated according to their bank policy. They receive back rolls of change.
Dimes – 50 dimes = $5 per roll
Quarters – 40 quarters = $10 per roll
Half Dollars – 20 half dollars = $10 per roll
Silver Dollars – 25 silver dollars = $25 per roll
Now that you remember that the face value of a coin will always be the same, if it’s silver or not, but the cash/silver value of that coin in today’s markets is always more than the face value, and it’s always moving up and down, (more about that later.) If you found some silver money, Congratulations on your treasure hunt. Next is how you can do it continuously.
This is why I say . . .
. . . Never make another car payment . . .
. . . Never make another mortgage/rent payment. . .
. . . Never buy another bag of groceries . . .
. . . Never make another medical or pharmacy co-pay . . .
. . . Never pay another car repair bill . . .
. . . Never buy something else at the mall . . .
. . . Never buy another theater ticket . . .
You put my system into practice.
Make a list of the bills you pay each month and the date they are due. If you have a budget use that, if not, just make a list.
Bill | Amount | Income Date | Bill Due Date |
Car Payment | 250. | 5th | 15th |
Rent/Mortage | 1,000. | 5th | 8th |
Insurance | 400. | 8th | 10th |
Utilities | 200. | 18th | 25th |
Groceries | 200. | Every Payday | Every Saturday |
Now look at your income.
Bill | Amount | Income Date | Bill Due Date |
You get your SS check by the 3rd
You get paid the 1st and the 15th
or, you get paid every Friday
If you’re like multiplied millions of people in the US and around the world, and you live pay check to pay check, you plan to pay a certain bill out of a certain payroll or retirement check or other income.
You get your retirement check by the third. Your mortgage or rent payment is due by the fifth, so you must hold back the money from your check to make that payment.
OR . . . Your next payroll check comes on the 15th but you have a $250 car payment due on the 18th. You must hold back the money to pay it.
OR . . . if you have children you have to hold back some money for groceries every check
I know you get the idea.
Now look at your chart. Is it two days you have to pay the bill after you get your check? Is it 5 days or more? Is it the same day . . .?
It doesn’t matter . . . using my system you can make your money make money without risk because the US government will always guarantee the face value of all its coins!
Step 1 – Assuming that the money you have put back is in the bank. If not, you will have to take cash to the bank.
Step 2 – Let’s say you have $500 on Monday to pay your rent on Wednesday. You can’t invest it. You surely can’t risk it because if you lost it you would be evicted, or risk having your car repossessed or worse, not being able to buy the food or medicine you need.
Step 3 – You go to the bank and you say to the teller, “I want to buy $500. worth of coins.”
You select what you want . . . I want it all in quarters, or $250. in quarters and $250 in dimes or mix in some half dollars. It won’t matter to them . . . YOU get to choose.
Let’s say you want all $500. in dimes.
There are 10 dimes in a dollar, so you would get, from the teller, 10 dimes x 500 dollars or 5,000 dimes.
That means you have 5,000 chances to find some 90% silver dimes that are worth 13-14 times your money or as we like to say, “free money”.
If you want all quarters, then there are 4 quarters to a dollar, so you would have 4 x 500 for 2,000 quarters or 2,000 chances to find a silver quarter.
Half Dollars – 2 per dollar = 1000 half dollars
Silver dollars = 500 silver dollars
Here’s what they look like.
It’s Monday, It’s 11 am. You’ve been to the bank, you’re home. You’ve been thru 2,000 quarters that you bought with your $500 dollars. You found no silver. Have you taken any risk. . .? NO! you haven’t. You throw all your quarters into the bag that the bank just gave you for free when you asked for it, or you got it at Wal-Mart for about $2 per bag and take the quarters back to the bank. It’s noon. You give the quarters back to the teller and she gives you back your 500 dollars in cash or in a bank deposit slip.
Why? . . . because the federal government guarantees the face value of all its’ coins. You cannot lose. You have no risk. You can only win. You will get back less than you bought ONLY if you keep some of it because the silver in the coins you kept is worth more than the face value of the coins themselves.
You can’t lose!
- You don’t risk one penny of your money
- You don’t risk making your payments on time
Now you see why I shared with you that our program is like scratch- offs. If you find no silver the bank gives you back all your money. Just like the store clerk would do in our example.
Say you chose all quarters. What if . . . when you took your 500 dollars’ worth of quarters back to the bank on the same day if you went . . . instead of getting cash back or a deposit slip you asked for 500 worth of quarters . . . Now you’ve bought $1,000 worth of change from your bank, using your same $500 twice, and given yourself 2,000 chances on quarters and 5,000 chances on dimes to find silver . . . at absolutely no risk to you.
Therefore, there is no risk!!
The United States Federal Government guarantees you
the same face value of its coins that you paid for them.
Either back at the bank or spending them in the market place.
But if you got your money on Monday and you’re payment is not do till Wednesday . . . could you go back and try tomorrow and twice on Wednesday before your payment had to be paid. Could you do it four times in one day if you hustled? Do you have more than one bank? If not, maybe you should consider opening an account in a second bank.
Potentially tens of thousands of chances to make money with silver off your bill money without risking it.
Look at your bill chart . . . How much money do you bring in a month with each retirement check or payroll check. How many days do you have to hold that money waiting to make your monthly payment . . . And the way you do it now, how much money does your money make for you while you hold it. . .? If you’re like most people, the answer is a big fat ZERO.
Take your retirement or pay roll check and calculate how many days you can use it to make money before you must make your payments without any risk.
Then divide how many times a day you can roll your money over.
Example –
You receive $500 income on Monday morning. Your payment is due late Friday afternoon; So, you can basically use your own money for 5 days. If you can work your money 2 times a day for 5 days . . . you can roll your 500 dollars over 10times. (2 times a day for 5 days). This means your five hundred dollars has the purchasing power of five thousand dollars in only one week to potentially find silver with over 13 times the face value of the coins you find.
But this week alone gives you five thousand dollars purchasing power 500 times the number of coins in the coins you choose at no risk but over 13 times your money on the silver coins you do find . . . that’s free money.
500 x 2 times a-day times 5 days = 10 roll overs
500 x 10 dimes to a dollars = 5,000 dimes for every $500
5,000 x 10 (number of $500 rollovers = 50,000 chances to make money in only one week. Most of you will have 100,000; 200,000; 300,000 or more chances to win and find silver every month. At no risk to you. Again, the Federal Government guarantees you that the $500 in change you bought will always be worth $500 when you spend it or take it back to the bank if you find no silver. No matter how many times you roll your five hundred over the US Government guarantees your money back each time.
In our earlier example . . .
. . . The bank is the convenience store
. . . The coins are the scratch offs
. . . The bank teller is the store clerk
You walk into the bank (convenience store)
You buy the change (scratch offs)
You win nothing – you go back to the bank (convenience store)
Go to the teller (store clerk) and she/he gives you back all your money!
It’s just that simple!
Making money off your money with absolutely no risk.
Who else is showing you how to make money off your bill money at no risk to you?
My strategic financial plan will help you make money and get the financial stress off you. It’s a treasure hunt.
Start today . . . Maybe make money today.
Wealthy people get richer because they do things to make their money make money. Now you know how to do it too.
Make your money make money for you every chance you get.
Happy Treasure Hunting!
Email us and tell us what you find at:
Don’t go to the bank yet. Wait a minute and see what you say to the teller to get the best change to find the most silver.
Note: We have found some banks will sell you “fresh” change and some won’t. “Fresh change” is the actual change from the deposits businesses make before the bank goes through it or sends it off from the bank. Currently one of our banks does and the other one doesn’t. Ask your bank for it. If they say no, don’t hesitate to move your account to a different bank if they will agree before you move it to give you the “fresh” change. I think it’s possible banks may tighten their policy on selling “fresh” change so they can remove as much silver as possible from circulation.
The coins you are looking for are dimes, quarters, half-dollars and silver dollars, dated 1964 and earlier. These are 90% silver. Half-dollars and silver dollars also dated 1965-1969, which are 40% silver.
You can also identify silver coins by looking at the edges. If it has no copper on the edge it is probably 90% silver. Check the date. If it’s a half-dollar or silver dollar and has copper strip, still check the date to see if it’s 1964-1969, which would make it 40% silver.
Details on where to sell coins at their silver value are coming up later in this report.
Author Profile

- Lee is the co-founding designer of Overcoming Grief and author of 2 books and numerous articles. He has been in the ministry for over 40 years. He has traveled to over 80 countries and every state in the USA. His ministerial work involves both teaching and business. He is a mentor to pastors and business leaders alike. He is currently working on his upcoming international conference schedule and we will post it when it's ready. We hope you can attend one that will be close to you!! Please contact me at:
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