If you don’t know . . . What you don’t know . . . How can you ever know . . . How to make a right decision?
WHEN MAKING MONEY . . . MATTERS is a research and educational e-book dedicated to the millions of believers who live paycheck to paycheck; for those who run out of money before the end of the month; for those who struggle to pay their car payment, mortgage or rent payment or insurance on time. When school lunches, gas for the car, and groceries for the family are a source of worry and strain. And for all those who find a way to get thru the end of the month but can’t find a way to save any money; and for all those who have dedicated their lives to God and believe God can trust them with a great deal of money. It’s provided free of charge to all.
Have you ever been at the right place, at the right time? Probably not many of you have. This time, however, you are going to be part of maybe the biggest transfer of wealth to the Body of Christ in recorded history. I believe it will surpass even the enormous wealth that transferred from the Egyptians to the Israelites under the leadership of Moses. This time, however, it won’t be limited to just one leader. This wealth will be handled by tens of thousands of believers worldwide.
How you can receive the wealth of the world is what When Making Money . . . Matters is all about simply by learning what you don’t know.
Hello, my name is Lee Gilliam. For many years I lived under this kind of life draining pressure and stress. The old saying “I was too poor to rub two nickels together” in my case at times was totally true. The reason for me was . . . I only had one! Please . . . let me try and help get some of the financial stress off you and let me help you find the abundant life. If you’re one of those committed believers who knows in their heart that if God blessed you with more money you would help others, then what God has revealed to us is meant . . . For you!
Proverbs 13:22 – The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
Even though this may not be exactly to scale it illustrates my point. The world and its systems hold the majority of wealth of our planet. The Body of Christ only holds a small percentage of the wealth of the world.
The question is: if we believe the wealth of the world is laid up for Gods people then how do we access it? How does it pass into our hands?
At least in one area of life – I can show you how.
- Having enough food for their families to eat
- Paying the mortgage/rent on time to avoid the penalties, or worse . . . being evicted
- Keeping their car from being repossessed
- Paying their health insurance
- Helping take care of a loved one
- College expenses
- Getting a child their first car
- Buying their daughter/son the shoes/clothes they need so they’re not being made fun of
- Medical bills
- Taking care of their parents
- Buying a house
- Taking a real vacation
- Having personal time to enjoy life
- The list goes on … and on … and on…
Do you ever feel like you’re on a Ferris wheel going around and around in circles, and then every time you stop at the bottom the operator throws more unexpected bills at you?
Discouragement; losing hope for a better future; just going thru the motions of life; just trying to get through the day hoping nothing else happens . . .
STOP . . . going around in circles!
CHANGE . . . your life!
Add works to your faith!
This is a real, successful strategy to receiving money – for FREE – starting today!
Here is a problem in the church:
We’ve all been taught well on how to bring our tithes and offerings into the store house (church) and God will bless you. I believe that. But there has been very little teaching on how the average believer can practically begin to receive money legally without risk for themselves.
If you don’t know what you don’t know . . . how can you ever know . . . how to make a right decision? is not just a clever saying to us. We practice this in every decision we make.
The call of God on our life is to help you discover systems, in a very practical way, to draw the wealth of the world to you. Then you let the Holy Spirit guide you on how to give to His work in helping others.
We have several them that God has shown us. The one I’m sharing with you today is something you can receive money with . . . today!
Let’s talk about our System
Information is knowledge . . . knowledge is power . . . we all know this!
But did you know that WMM . . .M gives you the wisdom on how to use that knowledge to put extra money in your pocket? It’s true!
Please excuse me for my following example, but it really reflects what we’re trying to share.
How to receive money . . . LEGALLY . . . with no risk . . . guaranteed from the American government . . . EVERY DAY!
Walk into almost any convenience store in America.
You buy a soft drink . . . a snack . . . and a . . . Scratch off. WHAT??? A scratch off? Yes. . . hoping today you can get some relief from your financial misery.
You go one by one – rubbing off the ink. Nothing . . . Nothing . . . and Nothing . . . Your hopes of getting some serious financial help today are gone. So is your twenty dollars! You feel discouraged . . . The feelings of desperation and hopelessness return . . . The rest of the day becomes harder to get through.
But imagine what life would be like if this happened:
You walk into the same convenience store . . . buy the same soft drink and snack . . . and buy the same scratch offs . . . you rub off the ink and sure enough, you get the same results . . . no winners . . .
ONLY THIS TIME . . . The store clerk says to you, “Don’t be discouraged, at our store we guarantee you that you can’t lose . . . here’s your money back . . . Would you like to try again?”
Over and over and over the store clerk gives you your money back . . . you start winning and the store clerk still gives you your money back on all your non-winners!
I know right???? . . . The next question you ask is, “Can I bring a table and chair and sit over here and make this my full-time job? My chances of making a lot of money per hour, even if 99% of my scratch offs are non-winners” because I’m guaranteed to win.
Well, of course, the federal government program isn’t scratch offs! But the process is just as good or even better!
It’s the fifteenth of the month and all your bills for the month are paid . . . AND on time! And you still have more payroll checks coming!
What peace of mind! This can be your life!
- The federal government many years ago set up a plan that could be very beneficial to you today!
- Every day big corporations are receiving enormous amounts of money, legally, from the American system.
- They know things that the average believer doesn’t know, and they don’t want you know.
- They don’t want you to know; the rich and wealthy don’t want you to know . . .“It’s hard to get ahead when you only make money with what you do . . .You need to make money with your bill money . . . at no risk guaranteed by the Federal government.
- This is especially true when you’re struggling to get ahead or just trying to keep up or as we like to say, “When Making Money . . . Matters”.
- Every day millions of Americans risk hundreds of billions of dollars for one reason . . . to try to make more money . . . some win . . . some stay about the same . . . some lose and must close their businesses. You don’t have to risk anything.
- The “best news” is you can’t lose – you can only “WIN”.
- The federal government guarantees it to you. All countries around the world guarantee this to you because it’s part of our daily life.
- This is not crazy stuff . . . This is not making the greatest coffee ever out of Mississippi river mud . . . or making the best mac-n-cheese that your children will love out of alligator eye balls . . . or any nonsense like that.
My system puts you in total control and positioned for success.
- You knew . . . your house was not in danger of being taken away?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you had enough money to buy all the groceries you needed and in addition you could afford a few extra “treats”?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you had enough money put back to buy gas for your car for the whole month?
- . . . . . . . . . . . you could afford your co-pays and still buy enough food for the month?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you could supply the endless needs of your children (a better car, eat out, social life, college/training) with joy – not stress?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you could help with the medical and financial needs of your parents without affecting your own family?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . yes, you heard it here first . . . you could enjoy A REAL VACATION?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you could buy a new house?
- . . . . . . . . . . . . you could save for retirement
- . . . . . . . . . . . the financial stress could come off you . . . and you could find . . . “Your New Financial Life”?
Your Life Can Begin to change today . . . but, please, don’t do these things; until you know . . . what you don’t know.
Don’t make another car payment . . .
Don’t make another mortgage/rent payment . . .
Don’t make another utility bill payment . . .
Don’t make another medical bill payment . . .
Don’t buy another tank of gas . . .
Don’t buy another bag of groceries . . .
Don’t, for an absolute surety, buy another scratch off or go to the casino . . .
You receive the wisdom on how to increase your financial life by When Making Money . . . Matters.
Don’t miss your opportunity to receive potential wealth for you . . .
your family . . . and God’s work.
My advisors told me to charge $299 for all the work I’ve done to make this available to you . . . I said, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”. Figure the cost out a different way. They came back with some changes and advised me to charge $199. I said, “Never mind, I’ll work on it myself”.
A few days later I met with them and told them this:
There was a time in my life that I was under enormous financial stress and emotional pain. My body was breaking down under the weight of it. Chest pains were a daily problem. Honestly, I was in deep trouble. With God’s help I eventually found a way out of my financial struggles. But I have never forgotten the sleepless nights; the multiple jobs; the emotional stress and worry; losing self-confidence; wondering myself if God was ever going to show up to help.
Thankfully, He did, and we climbed out of a deep financial hole.
So, here’s the decision I made.
- We’re not going to lease the beautiful high-rise offices in the tower with a fantastic location downtown to run this program out of.
- …… not going to buy the expensive furniture to make us look good and make a “better impression”.
- …… not going rent the extra office space and have the extra employees to run a “Returns” offer.
You can receive the WHEN MAKING MONEY . . . MATTERS today. You won’t pay $299 or $199. You pay zero. I’m giving it to you free of charge. It’s my way of giving back for the blessings God has given us. It’s our way to sow seed in your life so God’s Kingdom can begin to transfer the wealth of the world to themselves.
Listen to what others are already saying even before our e-book is released.
Andrew K., Piedmont, OK – “The first day I followed Lee’s instructions and used his strategy I received over $700 in one day.”
Pamela L., OKC, OK – “When my husband used Lee’s strategy we made over $55 in just 2 hours.”
Jennifer W., Warr Acres, OK – “Of all Lee’s strategies I focused on the beginner’s level Strategy 1. I received over $77. In just 3 hours.”
Kernie G. – Gladwin, MI – “I lost out! Lee gave me his strategies to try. I tried Strategy 2. I forgot to take his plan with me and I don’t have a smart phone. Sure enough, I found what he said to look for. I could have made nearly 3 times my money in just a couple of hours. I won’t let free money slip thru my fingers again.”
D.L., Anadarko, OK – “Strategy 1 worked for me. The first day I tried it I made over $35 of free money.”
Bill – Branch Manager, FDIC insured bank – “Lee invited me to lunch. He said he was using a strategy to receive free money, guaranteed by the US Federal government. He wanted me to look at it because he wanted to teach it to others. I thought what kind of a crazy idea could this be? But, he’s a good client so I agreed to meet with him. He first made me promise that when he showed it to me I would not hinder him. I agreed.
After a few minutes when I saw his Strategy I, I said “You’re legally making “free money” out of my bank and I don’t even know how to do it!” I said “I’m going back to my bank and . . . Lee said . . . Wait, Wait, Wait! You promised . . . so, I reluctantly stood by my word. As a branch manager of an FDIC insured bank I am not allowed to endorse any product, but I can tell you his Strategy 1 is legal; is guaranteed by the US federal government and people have a real possibility to receive “free money”.”
Subscribe today for free.
Start receiving money today guaranteed by the federal government and most if not all the governments around the world.
Believer PLEASE: not only do we want to help you; but we know we can.
Years ago, I promised God that if He ever provided me a financial miracle when the time came that I was in a place that He could work thru me to help His people I would repay, to others, to the best of my ability, His blessing to me. This is my best effort to do so.
Many world economists are predicting that more millionaires will be created in the next 24-48 months than have been in the last 20-30 years. I have spent, literally, thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours putting this information together for the Body of Christ . . . for you. Take this opportunity to position yourself to receive.
There’s no qualifying. There is no application. There is no risk . . . no stress . . .
I promise you this free money is potentially available to anyone.
The world wants you to have a million dollars to invest to make money like this. But the Holy Spirit has shown me a way to help you with no risk to you.
You buy nothing from me to be successful with this program. It’s free to you and you can share it with others. It’s free to them also.
Hope to see you on our website soon.
Be Blessed!
Not 10%. . .not 20% – In a world of negative interest rates (where you pay the bank to hold your deposits) – even though these are unbelievable returns in today’s markets.
These are big returns = but not for you = It’s time to make 20 x 50% = you put in $100 = you get $2000 – 50.00 plus your 100 = total = 120 – 150. It really is possible.
I sat down with a blank sheet of paper. . . I had one question on my mind. . . How do I help others overcome financial struggles? I remembered my wife and I struggled with finances . . . and started by remembering what I was up against.
. . . We had no money to invest for more than a day or two
. . . I worked as many hours on the job as I could and still struggled to pay my bills and raise my 3 children.
. . . The money struggles created enormous worry and emotional stress.
. . . Sleepless nights
. . . Body aches
. . . Hopelessness
. . . Despair
I had one of those “aha” moments. Instantly I knew how I could help those that had no money to risk or potentially loose and had very little money they could spare for more than a few hours or days.
This is the easiest way with no risk . . . Guaranteed by the US government . . . potential profits in minutes.
I don’t think it can get any easier:
Let’s get started making money today!
When our founders of the constitution created a new government for their United Republic they knew they needed a monetary system of their own that would be accepted and respected not only in the US but around the world. Secretary of Treasurer Alexander Hamilton personally prepared plans for a national mint. On April 2, 1792, Congress passed the Coinage Act which created the Mint and authorized construction of a mint building in the nations’ capital, Philadelphia. This was the first federal building erected under the constitution.
President George Washington appointed David Rittenhouse as the first Director of the United States Mint. They first minted copper coins but those were soon followed by gold and silver coins. (Source: United States Mint)
I encourage all of you to go to their website and learn of the rich and historic developments of America’s money including the design, metal components and minting. It provides a great historical education for young and old alike.
Silver coins continued to be produced as 90% silver coins all the way thru 1964. Then silver became too expensive and was removed from the coinage process. With a couple of exceptions, from 1965-1969 a couple of 40% silver coins were minted. The Kennedy half-dollar and the Eisenhower dollar. They are still more valuable than their face value but, obviously, less valuable than the coins that contain 90% pure silver.
I believe there have been billions of dollars of metal coins minted in the US. Many can still be found in the houses of every day Americans today and in the change that passes thru people’s hands.
These coins are worth a great deal more than their face value today and continue to increase in value. They can make you a lot of money with no financial risk if you know what you are looking for and what to do with them after you find them. Sharing this knowledge is the purpose of this newsletter.
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